As the BBO project sadly drew  to a close at the end of March after 5 years, we wish the team well as  they move on from hvoss and thank them for all their hard work,  achievements and fantastic team work supporting 322 participants with  the fantastic outcome that 177 moved into volunteering, 52 into job  search and 65 into training and employment.  
Looking to the future, we are pleased  to announce that we are now building on this success and developing a  continuation service, called:

‘Be Inspired’

Adults of all abilities, inspired to move into supported volunteering.
This coaching and mentoring service  will engage people to build confidence and broaden their horizons  through person-centred support, group work, training and creative  activities. It is inclusive and responsive, flexible and relevant to each person’s life and their aspirations, inspiring and empowering them to find and sustain appropriate volunteer placements and move towards employment.
The service is in development, and we  are able to support a limited number of candidates at present. If you  have any questions or would like to be involved in this new venture, please contact