As hvoss develops a much needed inclusive  supported volunteering service across Herefordshire, called ‘Be  Inspired’, we are working for a few months with Landau and Horizon training, who are delivering a NEETS project funded by Herefordshire  Council. This project is for 15 – 25  year olds who are not in  employment, education or training,  to  develop the personal  and  transferable skills needed to move into work. The project offers  mentoring and person-centred support to build confidence, self esteem  and basic skills, along with the chance to participate in certified  training and employability skills, for those furthest from the labour market.
hvoss will offer support to find and sustain  volunteering placements and training, along with supported travel and  shadow shifts. One to one mentoring will help empower young people to  explore options for the future to move forward.  
We have Engagement  Co-ordinators, Milly and Lauren working in Ross, Hereford and Leominster  area, who can meet young people locally, working face to face, by phone  or online. So please contact us below for referrals or any more  information:  at hvoss 52, Broad Street, Hereford, HR4 9AB. Mobile: 07741741148
Or Andrea Harrison at Landau :  Mobile : 07562 625820