Vibrant and sustainable communities

hvoss is your local community and voluntary sector support service

We provide invaluable information, guidance and support to volunteers  or people interested in volunteering, community groups, charities,  voluntary organisations and individuals in Herefordshire.
hvoss leads on projects that benefit our community and residents of  Herefordshire, including Building Better Opportunities (supporting  people who are furthest from employment into volunteering or real work),  In2 (supporting young people with autism), Young Carers and Young Adult  Carers, Community Wheels (community transport), UK Community Renewal  Fund (CRF) and Talk Community, in partnership with Herefordshire Council.

We also represent the community sector through our members, including  developing constructive discussion, commissioning arrangements and partnership working on members’ behalf with stakeholders, all of whom  are committed to a strong and resilient community in the county. 

hvoss’ vision

“Vibrant and sustainable communities across Herefordshire”  and we believe in the value of:

We are driven by the needs of our members, involving them in everything we do. All of our Trustees are members of hvoss.

hvoss represents the community and voluntary sector through its inclusion on strategic discussions and forums, gathering and championing the views of members and the wider community. As a member we will liaise with you so your views will be represented at the highest  strategic level.
Partnership and collaboration

hvoss works collectively to represent a wide and diverse range of interests and views.

We champion the value of the vital and unique contribution made by volunteers in the county supporting the work of organisations that deliver public benefit and improving the life of our residents.

Community and voluntary sector organisations deal with needs and problems they identify in their local area, independent of any statutory body. hvoss’ independence from statutory bodies is a key factor when representing our members’ challenges and concerns.
Equality and diversity 

hvoss works to promote the needs of under-represented or disadvantaged people including ‘quieter voices’ or who may be harder to reach and engage.
Meeting needs   

We identify gaps in services and resources and support partnership and collaborative delivery for a robust infrastructure in the community and voluntary sector.
Innovation and creativity 

This includes community and voluntary problem‑solving and effective responses to needs and challenges including emergency situations such as flooding and the pandemic.

Becoming an hvoss Member

Membership of hvoss is open to any individual, community group or organisation who shares these values and is keen to work together and promote the value of the community and voluntary sector in our county.

These are challenging and difficult times for our sector, so hvoss offers you the opportunity to be part of an organisation that will represent your views and concerns and advocate on your behalf with stakeholders, including the local authority and health.

From April 2021 to March 2023, membership of hvoss is free

As an hvoss member you will also be able to access benefits, resources and specialist knowledge that will support you, your organisation, community group or charity.

As a member of hvoss you will:

  • Connect with your community and make a difference
  • Have a say – we are led by our members
  • Join a network of people, groups and organisations who share a vision and have a strong voice

The more individuals, groups, charities and organisations who are hvoss members, the more representative we are and the stronger the voice of the community.