Does your organisation need a helping hand?
We can help you find the perfect volunteer.
We receive around 1600 enquiries annually from people seeking volunteering. If you’re a community group, charity, non-profit or public sector organisation you can register your volunteering opportunities with us.
To advertise your roles on our website you will need to register or log in to Simply Connect. This is a free service offered by the Volunteer Bureau for community groups, charity, non-profit or public sector organisation. Please see the link below.
click hereClick here for more information about Simply Connect
Minimum quality standards:
Read our full Service Level Agreement for using Simply Connect
In brief, to be eligible to register, your organisation will have to ensure that the volunteer will be:
- Welcomed whatever background they come from
- Safe
- Properly insured
- Adequately trained
- Supported and supervised
- Not used to replace paid staff
- Reimbursed out of pocket expenses e.g. travel (if you have paid staff)
Finding the right volunteers is just the start
If you have decided you need volunteers for the first time or, even if you have had them for a while but need some support, we can:
- Provide information and guidance on good practice issues such as expenses, disclosures, health and safety and funding. If we do not know the answers, we will signpost you to someone who does.
- Run regular training events.
- Additionally we will promote your roles through a wide range of marketing tools such our taster posters plus via social media.
- Your roles will also be available to potential volunteers who call into the hvoss including organisations operating employee supported volunteering schemes.